There are certain moments in life where you are exactly in the will of God.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Little Moments
There are certain moments in life where you are exactly in the will of God.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
be brave
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
are you spiritually fat?
*originally published april 18, 2011
So, the other night we decided to have our first “cookout” of the summer due to the fact that it was almost warm (meaning it was almost not freezing.) Although the guest list totaled 4, we were quick to cook up 5 hamburgers, 4 hotdogs and a chicken breast for the picky eaters. We opened 5 bags of chips, ate corn on the cobb, cheese dip prepared especially by yours truly, and topped it off with Root Beer floats. What’s a cookout without a Root Beer float?
After the gorging we waddled over to the couch (God forbid we go and play the game of tennis we had planned on playing after dinner – that would have required movement and quick reflexes, all to which were now impaired by carbohydrates in our bloodflow.) As we flipped on the TV we came across the Discovery Health channel which was playing something that we could simply not ignore. Show title? “600 Pound Mom”. Before you tune me out, keep reading.
As we began to watch this woman who had allowed documentary cameras into her home, we learned a little bit about her personality. Being of Haitian descent (I love Haitians!) she had grown to love all of that marvelous Haitian food. She was the mother of 4 beautiful daughters and reminisced on the life she used to have before being bedridden in her Miami home, never to see the light of day. Day after day, routine after routine, she had slowly lost touch with the things that didn’t matter to her and slowly began to hold onto things that made her feel comfortable. She stopped walking outside because her children were grown and no longer required play dates at the park. She no longer had to work to care for her children as they were grown and now taking care of her. She had everything she needed and everything she loved right there in the comfort of her own home. And after a while, she ended up in her current state of immobility without even noticing the danger signs. In fact, on several occasions, she said “I have no idea how I got to be this way.”
To be honest, I just could not get a few things off of my mind after watching that program.
Is there anything that I am doing that is causing me harm without me even knowing it?
Is there something I am blind to in my own life that everyone else sees but me?
Am I fighting for my life mission or am I laying back and “cheating” to make my life easier?
So many times as Christians I think we lose sight of the big picture, to put it plainly. We become so comfortable with our day-to-day routines that we often forget why God gives us life and breath to start a new day. Are we here to wake up, make coffee, go to the office, come home, watch American Idol, check Facebook and go to bed?
I have been stirred to the core lately about why I am here. Why was I born? And am I working towards that assignment every single day of my life? How many people around the world am I supposed to be helping that I am not? Whose lives am I supposed to be impacting that I am not?
I am vividly aware more than ever before that there is a cry coming from all 4 corners of the earth. For some of you it may sound like a lost and dying American nation. For others it may sound like your own family members who are caught in a downward spiral of abuse or addictions. For me, it is the sound of 25 millions of orphans in India who are living without a home and 600,000 baby girls who are being “rid of” by their families, simply because they are girls. I believe that cry is the reason that I was born.
I would hate for myself or anyone else to wake up one day and realize that they’re stuck. To realize that what they’ve been doing the last however many years have gotten them absolutely nowhere other than a few more miles on the car and a little deeper in debt.
Hillsong Australia pastor Bobbie Houston recently said “It is not good enough to be awake…we have to GET OUT OF BED!”
How perfect is that? Not only do we have to be conscious of the world around us, but we have to DO something about it.It’s not enough to think about it, to care, or to shed a tear. It’s time to work our spiritual muscles, get out of bed, and start to change our world so we don’t wake up one day having won no one to the Kingdom of God, having never shared the love of Christ with anyone, and consumed with a fruitless life saying “I have no idea how I got to be this way.”
“Don’t waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits. … It’s a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see… Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of bed and Christ will show you the light. Make the most of every chance you get!
Ephesians 5:11-16 The Message
in disguise
*originally published december 18, 2009
Last Tuesday, Dominic and I decided to go to a late lunch down the street at Max & Erma's. While we were driving, it started to blizzard. It was terrible out! As we sat at our table and ate our meal, I noticed a man sitting in the booth across the aisle from us who was probably in his late 70's. This man had shiny white hair that was neatly combed, and his turtleneck was tucked into his nicely pressed pants. He was so cute, all dressed up like that. It broke my heart because I took note that he wasn't all dressed up to meet one of his kids, a friend, or even his wife. He sat alone.
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Jesus gave his LIFE for you. Do your part to show the love of God in this Christmas season!
just wait
*originally published october 13, 2009
Romans 8:28 (The Message)
be still
*originally published october 7, 2009
Time for a new post! It's fall and since it's getting colder I'll be writing a lot more due to the feet and feet of snow that will soon pile on my doorstep.
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still
I will stand on the mountain, safe in Your arms I will sing I will sing
Be still my soul, be still
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still
He is here, He is here
Be still I know He is God
He is here, He is here
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still"