There are certain moments in life where you are exactly in the will of God.
You know at that exact moment, that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, at that exact time.
When I am in India I feel this way, and this photo captures one of those moments.
We were in India this past December for our Christmas in India campaign with Angel House. This day we were spending at an orphanage we were opening for 25 kids in Andhra Pradesh. We had such a special day moving the kids into their new home, showering them with gifts, and showing them love like they have never known before. This little boy's name is Benjamin and I knew about him long before we arrived in India. He is a 6 year old orphan who had literally been raising himself on the streets. We get a 'photo sheet' of each of the kids who will be adopted into our homes, and amongst the nearly 200 children we got to rescue on this particular trip, Benjamin caught my eye. First of all, he is adorable, but more than that, it hit me all over again that his life is so precious. I am so thankful to be able to make a difference in the lives of these kids through Angel House.
As we were leaving the home that day, our team was headed to the bus to leave. As we were saying our goodbyes, I heard a voice yell "wait! wait!" I looked down to see Benjamin, who insisted on giving me a kiss before I left. Melt my heart.
The kids in India have absolutely stolen my heart. I think back on the times when I cried out to God to break my heart for the nations. I had no particular nation in mind, I just felt called to the world. In those moments, he was softening me for things that were completely unexpected. A destiny I knew nothing about. But a destiny so sweet it can hardly be described.
When is the last time that you felt this way? How can you capitalize on those moments and make them have a lasting impact? I pray that as you read this, you will begin to ask God to break your heart for the nations and to awaken your heart to His purposes for you!
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